Hey everyone! It has been a while, I know. But I'm back doing what I love to do. Which is TALK! So try to keep up with me.
Today I want to share the AWESOMENESS OF GOD with you! I mean after all, who doesn't need just a tad more of that in their life, right?
Back in 2007, my husband and I lost a baby while I was 6 weeks pregnant. This was devastating to me because I had never had a miscarriage in my life or even suffered the threat of one. The anguish that gripped my heart was unbearable because my oldest twin daughter had just shared a vivid dream that depicted witchcraft swirling against me and causing a miscarriage. Well, I prayed against it but sadly enough, I still suffered a miscarriage.
Long story short. I became pregnant again and had a healthy baby girl. Fifteen months after she was born the Lord spoke to me and said "what was the day that you lost your baby?" I was embarrassed to admit that I didn't reallly know. So I contacted the hospital and spoke with someone named Natalie, who informed me that I was there EXACTLY a year from the day my baby girl had been born. I began to weep at this amazing discovery. I exclaimed "God what are you doing? What are you saying?" Little did I know, that I would soon be pregnant again.
Well, my husband James, and I weren't even trying this time around. We were actually trying to get used to having a baby around again since there were 8 years in between Shira-Sion and last child Jamyn. As a matter of fact, I didn't believe I was pregnant, but I went to the doctor anyhow. The doctor stepped into the room with my husband and I, and then announced that I was indeed pregnant. My husband and I smiled at each other astonishingly. Then the doctor continued by saying "according to your physical exam and the ultrasound it seems his due date is right at February 23rd! We both shouted "WHAT?" Understand, that this was the exact day I began to miscarry the day before Shira-Sion's birthday. As I sat on that medical table in the doctor's office, I heard the Lord say "I am giving you double for your shame, reproach, and broken-heartedness. For I love Justice and hate robbery!" I was far along enough in the pregnancy to find out that it was a boy! James and I had wanted to name the child we lost Justice Elijah if it was a boy and Liberty Grace if it was a girl. So without hesitation, we named him Justice Elisha -symbolic of the double portion of the spirit of from the bible possessed. Although he was born 3 weeks earlier than expected, he was completely healthy. But as God would have it, he came into this world in a very uncommon way. See, he was born in what is medically referred to as a "double sac". It's a sac within a sac. I believe the Lord was making a statement! He was saying I am the Awesome God. Life begins with me and ends with me. Now Watch and SEE because this is your sign that the promise is here! What an AWESOME GOD!!!
Fast forwarding...
Again recently, I have been hearing the Lord say, "For I, the Lord, love Justice!!!" Also realizing that lately James and I have been experiencing blessings that seem to be coming in double portions. We BOTH were recently given the opportunity to take some courses we had been wanting to take for years. This was given to us for FREE! The opportunity to do this had been stolen from us in our past season. Then recently, we were BOTH ordained as servants to the house of the Lord and to walk in the identity and calling God fashioned for us. Woohoo! Once again, this was stolen from us in our past season as well. But even this past weekend the Lord led a wonderful couple to bless us with...not one vacation getaway...but TWO!!! CAN YOU SAY "AWESOME GOD"?!!! Oh Yes, He is!!!
So what is it that God has spoken to you? Open up your eyes and see that He has not forgotten you or his promises concerning you. His eye is still on you. For if you are willing and obedient and keep your eyes on him, you shall see His goodness manifest in your life!
Psalms 37:6 And he will make thy righteousness to go forth as the light, And thy justice as the noon-day.
Stay the course!
Blessings and much love!
Roby V
Photo by Mommyof4Ruggies