Alrighty parents. Let's try something. Close your eyes. Now, walk in a straight line. Kinda hard, huh? We do this all the time. It doesn't seem as "obvious" as the experiment we just did.
Lately, I have had a lot of moments where the same situation has been occuring. Everywhere I go, the continual theme seems to be about me or someone I know not seeing clearly or not seeing at all; when I use the word see, I'm speaking of perception or understanding. Recently, I have seen many cases with heightened levels of fear, worry, anxiety, anger, and control because the perception was all wrong.
As parents, we have got to understand this concept. We can not be "the blind leading the blind." This generation deserves more than a bunch of blind leaders trying to tell them what to do, when they really aren't sure themselves which road is the right road.
Well, I feel like the Lord is saying, "do you see what I see and do you hear what I hear?" I really can't stress this enough because I have been seeing powers of darkness laying out traps for those who aren't willing to hear what the Spirit of God is saying. We must take our stand and say I will see what you see. We have to lay down what we think, what we need or want, and what we feel, so we can gain prophetic insight for our situations. We must remember that no one on earth knows like God knows. He is our Rock and Refuge. He is sure ground. All other ground is sinking sand.
I recently told my husband that when voices of doubt and fear come to weaken my knees, I'm going to turn the Lord and say, "I believe it because you said it." Fear would love to blind you and keep you in the dark, but God wants you in the Light so you'll see the end of the tunnel and come out on the other side.
Let's agree today that we will turn from our own way, which ultimately brings a snare; and we'll begin to ask Him to show us where we're at and to help us understand where we're going.
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