David knew someone had to be willing to "step into the ring" with Goliath to see Him defeated. WHAT DID DAVID DO? David stepped up!!! He stood up to Goliath! You cannot win if you don't step up to the opposition. In the midst of all the heckling and mocking, David determined that he would not be silent or passive. Things would not change until the fight began.
(As a side note, isn't it amazing to see how many people will rise up and unite to ridicule and mock you when you step out to do a righteous deed?!)
But David Responded!
1 Samuel 17:37 ESV
And David said, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!”
Consequently, David knew that His God would not fail Him if He took a just stand.
God will cause you to triumph, just as He did with David, if you're willing to take a righteous stand. He'll hand you the right stone or give you the right slingshot. He may even cause your enemies to flee in fear because the armies of heaven are fighting for you, but you must be willing to fight the GOOD fight.
The victory is sweet and yes, IT IS SURE; just be willing and ready to in WIN!
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