Sunday, September 15, 2013

Transparent Reality

There is one thing that has helped me to establish healthy relationships, more than anything else. Would you like to know what it is? It's called transparent reality. This concept deeply changed my life.

Transparent reality is putting yourself in a vulnerable spotlight  so that others will see and connect with who you really are. It shows who you are- at the core of your being, not the artificial person that others see from the surface. It's purposely living life without walls.

I once was a person who could easily be classified as a perfectionist. As you know, it takes a lot of effort to be seen as "flawless". I put tons of pressure on myself to be seen as "wonder woman". I believed that I had to be everyone's hero and that required me to look good and be strong ALL THE TIME. There was no room for error. It was a perpetual lie that I lived for a long time.

Now, let's fast forward a bit.

One day, I went to a Christian women's group and the most transformational lesson I had ever heard was being taught. For the first time ever, I was introduced to the notion of being completely transparent so that I can live a life of freedom and victory. The teacher expressed that Jesus lived openly amongst men when He walked upon the earth. When He was hungry, He expressed it. When He needed help, He said so. When He needed someone to pray with Him, He said so. He was the picture of transparent reality. THIS LEVEL OF TRANSPARENCY BRINGS FREEDOM TO YOUR LIFE AND EVERYONE AROUND YOU. I had a hard time conceiving the possibility of freedom dwelling in every area of my life, but still, I wanted it. I wanted it all. I wanted freedom from people's opinions, my own self-condemnation, and every types of fear known to mankind.  I grabbed hold of this concept with every fiber of my being and I have never let go. It has changed my entire life!

Even as parents, we must begin to move into transparent reality to relate to our kids in today's society. Most of the time, they are going through circumstances we've already gone through. We must be willing to admit that we've gone through the same testings and share our past experiences if we want to see our children prosper. Transparently revealing past failures and victories to the next genereation makes a stronger community for a brighter future. They must know the good, the bad and the ugly of daily living to be effective, fruitful components of society. When life-changing testimonies are shared and life-giving words are imparted, parents become "real people" to their children and actually appear "to live on the same planet". The benefits are endless. Children begin to understand the parents and parents understand their children. Even better than that, we(parents) actually become inspiration, and even heroes to our children. They begin to understand that we aren't perfect. We are simply resilient.

I want to encourage you to move into more freedom and personal growth as you walk through life unashamedly. You will begin to see your current reality transform and prosper in a whole new way through more transparency. Be free to love. Be free to give and be free to share. You will reap great benefits!

photo by Michele Cantania

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