Before I answer that question lets look at something else.
In Luke 21, the bible speaks of a time where we will have hatred, persecution, wars, commotions, betrayals, great naturals disasters, plagues, famines and very frightening events. This is already happening. These things have been added to our "normal" daily cares of life. So, how are we suppose to deal with all this and keep our sanity? What are we supposed to do?
Well, I have good news and not so good news. Actually, it depends on how you look at it. The bible tells us in that same chapter that these things must happen in the earth according to the will of God. So, the not so good news is that these things are happening now and will continue to intensify, but the good news is we have a way of escape! YEA!
Right now? Yes, right now. Can somebody say hallelujah?
Luke 21:34, 36 -And take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts are weighed down with headaches and drinking and anxieties of this life... Watch therefore, praying in every season that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things which shall occur, and to stand before the Son of Man.
Here's our key! Keeping watch in the kingdom is the most powerful position we have. This will keep us when chaos is all around us on every side. If we seek first the kingdom and His righteousness, then everything we need will be given to us. We will have complete access to the King, His riches, His weapons and His hosts.
Do not allow yourself to be weighed down with stress. Reject it! Like Shaquille O'neal! This is a strategy of the enemy of God (Dan 7:25). He comes to wear us out the saints with many afflictions. Hoping we'll throw in the towel. But still, as God's people we will stand firmly on His Word and see Him surely deliver us from every affliction. (Psalms 34:19) As we commune with Him in prayer, step by step the Lord will deliver us from every stressor in our lives.
With all sincerity, these are serious times, people. We cannot act like the world and parade around like God does not consider the ways of men. We must stay awake and guard our hearts. As we keep our minds on things above, we will gain the ground we need in the earth and overcome all its pressures as we stand on the mountain of the Lord emanating His glory.
Grace and peace be multiplied to you.
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