Another thing to wonder about is who thought up the word "status"? And what defines importance? What is the "standard"? After all, we're all one race....human. Did an Englishman from the Renaissance era just up and decide to create castes or classes? Did the Chinese Emperor from the the Samurai period find it a joy to separate a nation? Or I wonder if it was the fifty-sixth Pharaoh who just couldn't stand to see equality among a people so he divided them. I'm sure you get my point. I guess you could say this mindset of upper class/lower class is one of my greatest pet peeves. This is the same mindset that puts a people or nation into hardships. Think about slavery in America, the Holocaust in Europe, the raw attitudes of every superpower towards third-world countries,and the existing women in the Middle East who don't exist (if you get my drift).
As I observed everyone around me and saw them not as upper class and lower class, geek versus popular, or poor and the rich, I began to realize how many of those boxes and standards were put on people by me. I think sometimes we don't even realize that we're doing it. It's just something we do because we live in a world that has made it natural. These limitations we put on ourselves and others may be because we may feel superior or inferior to others. Either way we influence each other everyday. This is where we find balance and we humble ourselves if we feel like we're superior to others, so we can see who we really are. We are valuable, even when we feel inferior to others. Once we realize this, then the word "status" will be dethroned and all of mankind will finally be able to take a step forward TOGETHER.
Write me back with your comments.
photo by LaoWai Kevin
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