Tuesday, June 16, 2009


The Lord recently showed me a remarkable vision pertaining to His power. This vision showed me that His power would establish everything that needed to be established for my future. It was incredible! Even more, I became very aware that nothing in the universe would be able to stop His power from going forth and producing everything He has purposed in His heart to do. This was a huge revelation for me. I knew it in my head, but it was not established in my heart. This catapulted me into a completely different mindset.

My focus was shifted from a defensive position to an offensive position. I began to understand the power my team carried. The power of knowing who you are and who is on your side backing you up is an incredible place to stand in. There is no adversity on the earth powerful enough, no bondage strong enough, no temptation enticing enough to cause a single-minded individual who relies upon the power of God to fall or be held back.

I wake up everyday looking for the Lord to reveal more truth about who He is and why I am here on Earth. The more I learn, the more I grow. The more I grow the more I understand as He establishes the purposes for which I was created. When you allow Him to establish your ways on a daily basis you won't miss a beat. You will always be at the right place at the right time. Even if it seems like you're driving in the worst storm of your life know that He is in control. You can not fail. You will not fall because the revealed truth in you can not die and it will carry you through every storm or battle.
May the Lord empower you to know the truth and stand in it!

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