These days "parenting" is such a broad term. Who can really define it when today's culture is continuously trying to redefine it on a daily basis? Interestingly, if you look up the word parenting in any dictionary you will find words like rearing, raising, nurturing, or guiding to describe the action. Although it's a fascinating study, let's zone in on a common unseen perspective.
While all those words are pretty accurate concerning parenting, lately I've been thinking about a more common expression we often use which is "raising kids." What's really cool is while I was on my spirited excursion to gain more insight, I found some really extraordinary synonyms for the word parent like architect, creator, author and entrepreneur. Ever thought of it in that fashion? Tell me, what do all of these words have in common? They all have the ability to design and bring forth. They all are able to raise or erect. Kinda cool, huh?
So this led me to this far out concept of thinking what if children were actually raised and not just shuffled. I mean raised in the sense of taking time to bring forth someone beautiful, strong, and influential. Could that be more beneficial than having them be a part of every fleeting activity known to mankind just to have them babysat until they go off to college? Hmmm, interesting thought.
Being a parent of four, I must say that the most rewarding part is that I actually get to play a part in molding them into something beautiful for the world to see. The second most rewarding part is when I see that my kids enjoy me doing it. It's very clear to me that a lot of parents in today's society feel that they have to keep up with the Jones' to be a good parent. This is so far from the truth. Kids don't need clothes, video games, cell phones, or mp3 players to make them feel like they have a place in this world. Those things can give a temporal fascination, but they will never take the place of that deep groan inside a child's heart for their parent's love, support, time and affirmation. These are the factors that build radiant creations of purpose and destiny.
So my words to every parent that reads this blog are...build upward. Raise them up now and they'll thank you later.
love the site:D I agree with you 100%