Hey people! Up for some real talk? Thought I'd share about some personal stuff. Lately, the Lord has really been dealing with me about more humility and obedience.
See, I'm at this place where I see the beautiful handiwork of God, but at the same time, I see counterfeits of the enemy that are planted in the same field. So if I'm not in a position of surrender and humility, I'll be deceived by one of the counterfeits. Scary, huh?
On top of that, there is a really intense battle...I mean "an all out war" from the devil and his gang waging against us to take everything that God is saying is ours. Our freedom, our prosperity, our redemption, our authority in high places, or our kids. So what are we supposed to do? I say, surrender.
I know you're saying... "did she just say what I think she said?"; well, I did. Surrender is the place of powerlessness and the place of power. I know it sounds strange. You don't have to tell me that: I already got that revelation on my own. The truth of the matter is when we surrender what we know, feel, or want then God gives us what we need to gain the wisdom to overcome.
Surrender is the place of gain. If you lose your life, you will gain it. If you let certain things die, certain things will come alive.
Surrender is also one of the best strategies of battle...whether it's with those you love or with those you "don't quite love". Surrender and transparency always strips the power of your adversary. For instance, if your kids are standing there pointing there finger saying what a horrible parent you are and your response is "you're right and everyday I'm asking God for more wisdom,", what do you think that is going to do to them? Think about it? That would completely mess up their arguement and take down the entire battle.
Now I'm not saying always agree with your adversary. That's not winning the war. That's kissing up to gain some kind of false peace or comfort. What I'm simply saying is surrender to the Lord. He is God. Only He can give us the wisdom and strength we need to avail in our relationships, careers, or spiritual journey through life.
See, I'm at this place where I see the beautiful handiwork of God, but at the same time, I see counterfeits of the enemy that are planted in the same field. So if I'm not in a position of surrender and humility, I'll be deceived by one of the counterfeits. Scary, huh?
On top of that, there is a really intense battle...I mean "an all out war" from the devil and his gang waging against us to take everything that God is saying is ours. Our freedom, our prosperity, our redemption, our authority in high places, or our kids. So what are we supposed to do? I say, surrender.
I know you're saying... "did she just say what I think she said?"; well, I did. Surrender is the place of powerlessness and the place of power. I know it sounds strange. You don't have to tell me that: I already got that revelation on my own. The truth of the matter is when we surrender what we know, feel, or want then God gives us what we need to gain the wisdom to overcome.
Surrender is the place of gain. If you lose your life, you will gain it. If you let certain things die, certain things will come alive.
Surrender is also one of the best strategies of battle...whether it's with those you love or with those you "don't quite love". Surrender and transparency always strips the power of your adversary. For instance, if your kids are standing there pointing there finger saying what a horrible parent you are and your response is "you're right and everyday I'm asking God for more wisdom,", what do you think that is going to do to them? Think about it? That would completely mess up their arguement and take down the entire battle.
Now I'm not saying always agree with your adversary. That's not winning the war. That's kissing up to gain some kind of false peace or comfort. What I'm simply saying is surrender to the Lord. He is God. Only He can give us the wisdom and strength we need to avail in our relationships, careers, or spiritual journey through life.
photo by Forgiven
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