Thanks for all the wonderful feedback regarding the blog. I love you guys! That’s why you’re my favorites!!!
Lately, I find everyone I talk to is either in two places. Either they’re discovering new paths or they’re discovering their new identity which is who they really are. I’m sure, for all of you “highly-favored” folks, it’s probably both. Hahaha!
I want to encourage you today and hopefully position you to see things a bit differently. My goal is to propel you past what you’ve known and push you toward something greater. I want you to “go for the gold,” but we must remember there’s no victory without a challenge. That being said…let’s dive in!
About five years ago, I went through some MAJOR challenges. I felt caught up in a nightmare and just wanted to wake up. See, within a little over a year I had lost my home, my mom and my baby. It seemed like I was living under a curse. To be honest, I don’t even remember the sun shining at all during that time. Those days seemed extremely dark. On top of that, one of my kids slipped into a major depression and started acting out uncontrollably; and before I knew it, I was just as depressed. Every time I felt like I was at a point where I could finally begin to breathe, another tragedy would strike and take the wind right out of me. Death was all around me. Spiritually, I was holding on for dear life. I found myself in a place that no amount of human effort could rescue me from.
Bitterness and anger set in rather quickly. It seemed like the world was warring against me. I took the position that said “if you don’t need me, I don’t need you.” I began to despise those around me and even those in leadership over me; never admitting my problem was with God, not man. Basically, I thought God had abandoned me. I thought He left me to face this “heated battle” called life by myself.
After a while (four months to be exact), I began to realize that there was nothing in my being that was going to lift me out of this horrendous pit. Then one day the Light broke in. I realized that I didn’t need to know why all these things had happened. I needed the strength to overcome them. I needed God. He was the answer. He was the Only One who completely overcame death and I needed Him desperately to drive it away from me. All of a sudden my self-pity turned into a sincere cry for help. I cried out to God, He rescued me and set me on a new course. He showed me an overcoming path.
I am still on that course. It has been challenging, but ever-rewarding. I am learning and discovering so much every day. One valuable thing I have learned on this new path is that there is always a way out or maybe I should say, a way through. God sent His Son to secure a way out of every mess we’d ever find ourselves in. We must be willing to seek Him to find it. The best part about God’s path is it brings us into new life, new joy and new strength.
So, watcha still doing here? Seek the Lord and let Him take you beyond the disappointment, hurt, anger and fear. He has a better way. Your finest hour is right past your darkest days. So...Get going!
photo by flickr
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