Wednesday, May 4, 2011

No More Superficial (Part 2) - It's Time!

After I saw this video, I knew God had me on the right track.

The Lord is shouting "It's time for my people to demonstrate who I AM, not what they have imagined Me to be. They must speak as I speak and do as I do, NOT what they have imagined what I would say or do." Vain imaginations can only take you to one place...Error.

When GOD shows up, people know. They sense that there is a supernatural love and power working for them, propelling them into more life and liberty. It is a power that is completely beyond the self-absorbed human nature and comes to fully opposes it!

Right before I woke up this morning, I had a dream that I feel is completely relevant to this subject. The dream was pretty simple. So, here it is...

My family and I were living in this community that seemed very different from the one I live in now. My 1st cousin and his wife had just moved in the house next door. It seemed like my cousin was spending a lot of time observing me and my family. I didn't feel any wrong motives or any personal intrusion by his continued spectating. I just happened to notice that I would always see him sitting at the front door peering through it or he'd be standing by a window looking at us. Then, all of a sudden he and his wife came over and asked "where can we go to buy a new car." I directed them to the dealership and they seemed very happy. I remember being very excited for them because they were getting a brand new car! They were really examining a certain car to make sure it had EVERYTHING! It looked great from the outside, but their intense looks said "we're not buying it if it doesn't have everything we're looking for." Then I woke up.

I believe the Lord is saying through this dream that there are those who need to know what you are doing and saying is "THE REAL THING!" THEY NEED TO SEE IT!!! They are tired of "buying into something" that has no life, no power, no love, and no concern for them. People who simply look good on the outside but have no heart for those around them are simply artificial. GOD IS REAL! HE IS GENUINELY CONCERNED FOR PEOPLE! People in the world and especially in the Church need the God in you to be demonstrated. They need the TRUE AND LIVING GOD who cares!!! I believe the Lord is grieved when He has a people that stand on Christian platforms but they do not set the stage for Him to be glorified through power and love.

The video below was broadcasted today by Joyce Meyer's ministries. I pray you watch this and let God stir you in A WHOLE NEW WAY!

Cmon, say it with me..."IT'S TIME!!!"

1 comment:

  1. This is straight from the fathers heart! I too have been having similar dreams and even these past few weeks issues with my eyes that has caused me to put all the cover up and makeup away for a period of time. Causing me to put self image/ vanity on the cross! I know he wants to align my eyesight and vision with his but also let out a vulnerability..our eyes called windows to our soul...left bare! Let his glory and EYES shine through mine! Humbling and amazing to experience! GLORY!
