Hey everyone! Feels like forever since I last spoke to you. It’s a really busy time for me and my family, so please continue to pray for us as we move forward.
Before I continue, I have to give you a few important details. Many times the Lord will speak to me through songs. One of my friends in Oklahoma said it best this past weekend, “You’re like a jukebox.” Unashamedly, I have to agree. He gives me messages through songs quite often. With that being said, let’s continue.
Today I was doing chores around the house and I started to here this song in my head. Considering the fact that I have only heard this song twice in my life, I figured it was “being played” for a reason. So I Googled it and pulled it up on Youtube. Well, I closed my eyes and listened as they sang “He’s here.” All of a sudden, I felt so much peace. It was incredible. By the end of that song I was in a totally different place. I knew God was so present that nothing could move me!
So I encourage you today to Stop, Look, & Listen. I know this phrase is normally used as safety precautions for pedestrians , but I believe this applies to our daily walk of life as well.
Stop and get a hold of this message. Lay aside the distractions and still your mind. Choose to be at rest with the idea that God really is in control. Cease all of your striving to obtain accomplishment and know that He is God of heaven and earth. He knows your needs and He is well able to establish you. {Psalms 46}
Look to the one who holds your times and seasons in His hand. Fix your focus. In the midst of all the shaking around the earth, and in all the storms and battles you face see that there is nothing on earth that can take you out of His hand. See the salvation He has prepared for you in this day and hour. {Exodus 14:13}
Listen. The sounds that you are listening to are vital to the choices you make. And the choices you make will always lay out the paths you take. Let the sound of this song, sung by Eddie James and his team, penetrate every part of your being and every circumstance around you. Sometimes all you need is a sound of deliverance to bring you into a new place. It’s in that unusual place that the hope of humanity is revealed. {Psalms 89:15}
Hag 2:7 And I will shake all the nations; and the desire of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory, says Jehovah of Hosts.
Lord of Creation
Giver of Salvation
Hope of the Nations
Healer, Redeemer and King
Mighty Deliverer
Defense and Conqueror
My Chain Breaker
He will set the captives free
Stopping to listen today...
Halleluiah! Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah is HERE! AMEN.