Friday, May 6, 2011

Mom...Can I talk to you for a second?

This message touched me deeper than any screen work Tyler Perry has ever done! He sent this out to those on his email list on April 7, 2011. As Mother's Day is approaching all I can think about is this "heart to heart message" from Tyler.

So sit back and relax. Go and get yourself something to drink if you need to and REALLY ponder these kind words from Mr. Perry as he speaks directly to you.

And for the record, I love! Just keep reading and you'll understand why I said that. Hahaha!!!

From Tyler's journal:

Can I talk to you for a second?

I want to talk to all of you who are taking care of the kids, taking care of your husbands and wives, girlfriends or boyfriends, to those of you who are working to make ends meet, to those of you who are worried about everyone and everything else, so much so that you have taken yourself off the list. I need to tell you something. If you're not at the top of your own list then you are doing all those people in your life a huge disservice.

My mother had diabetes. She lost her eyesight, lost her kidneys and eventually lost her life. Sometimes I get so mad and angry that she is not here. What I know for sure is that God does not make any mistakes. So, I accept His will. I think the thing that makes me the angriest is Diabetes is preventable and reversible. Did you know that with diet and exercise, lots of people have prevented and even reversed it? I kid you not. I'm serious! Diabetes is not just "a little sugar" like the old folks say, it is a slow killer. The good news is that you don't have to have it.

You know this is hard for a man like me! I gave my mother everything she ever thought she could want, but what I could not give her was her health. What I could not give her was the mindset to want to put herself first. I couldn't will her the strength to take care of herself. She accepted diabetes as her reality and it became her life and her death. She was only 64.

Is this you? Are you putting everything and everybody before yourself? Before your health? Please, don't let your loved ones go through what my sisters, brother and I have gone through because of losing her. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!

Cut back on the starches, sodas, sweets, and go for a run if you can. If you can't, go for a walk. Get active. Commit to putting yourself on your list. You have to be first before you can help anyone else.

Celebrity trainer, Jimmy Pena, wrote a great book called "PrayFit". This is a good read to get you motivated and started. If you want to take your life back, this book can help you. God bless!



Happy Mother's Day!!!


  1. So true..great reminder! Will check out prayfit now too! thanks Robyn!

  2. I agree...thank you for sharing. Blessings to you on Mother's Day! I will have to check prayfit out.
