Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Hi people! Got a few questions...let me know when you're ready...ok...read.

Imagine you are sitting on a park bench with God...yes...God. As He lifts up His face and turns to you, He says...

" WHO? Who will do it? Who is really willing to stand in the gap? Who is willing to lay down his life for a friend? Who is willing to love the Lord with all of their heart and their neighbor? Who is willing to allow mercy to triumph over judgment? Who is willing to lay down their desires so that the Lord may have His desire? Who is willing to walk in forgiveness and walk away from offenses?"

These are some of the questions I believe we all must take a good look at. What are our hearts really saying? Are we REALLY saying yes to all of these questions or are our mouths just giving correct answers? Hmmm...good time for a coffee break, huh? Yeah...I know. But I'm almost finished.

2Ch 16:9 says "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars."

When our hearts are perfect toward Him, we will make room for Him to show Himself strong in our relationship with Him and our relationships with others. He will change our hearts and give us His nature. When we get to this level we will ultimately have REAL-ATIONSHIPS!

photo by RedJinn:...


  1. REAL-ATIONSHIPS... I love it! Awesome blog.

  2. Oh press this and brand this calling into our hearts oh Lord! WE ARE CALLED for such a time as this..I WANT my heart to be aligned with yours..I don't just want to say the words I want to walk to walk of Faith!!I want the REAL-ationships! Kingdom lasting!! Thank you Roby V!!! LOVE LOVE!
