Good day, mighty one! Yes, I said mighty. Were you not created by the Almighty One? Were you not given breath and strength by the All-Powerful One? And aren’t you the same person that has been given His divine power for all things that pertain to life and godliness? Yeah, I thought I was talking to the right person. {Gen 2:7, 2 Peter 1:3}
I’m not going to be long today…I think. Just stay with me for a second.
Ever since I wrote the " The Itty Bitty Piece that Stopped Everything”, the Lord has been reiterating this over, and over, and over…and over. I’ll give you an example.
Last night I went to a fabulous meeting at Glory of Zion. I drove home, sat on my bed and all of a sudden my left ear became extremely stopped up. I was faintly able to hear. It happened so fast that it really scared me. I asked my husband to pray for it. Nothing changed. I kept saying, “I’m not going to worry about it,” although that seemed kind of impossible. I thought, “Who knows? I may wake up in the morning and it will be completely healed.” So I went to bed with a small grain of faith.
Well, morning came. No change. I still felt like I was flying in an airplane. I could barely hear in my left ear. I pulled and dug, pushed and tug and everything in between. Then I said, “ok I’m setting the army against this! I need help.” So, I texted a few buddies in my distress, explained the problem and asked them to pray.
Not long after that, I went to the store to buy some breakfast foods. Still in much distress, I parked the car and said “Lord I give this situation to you. I mean after all I still have one good ear, right?” I got out the car and walked through the electrical sliding doors and the Lord said, “Go and look for some ear drops.” So I bought a box and returned home.
I went home and put the drops in my ear and nothing happened. But a few hours later, I was lying on my bed and I discovered there was something in my ear that now seemed to be within reach. It was a big piece of wax! I know…go ahead and say it. Ewww!!!
The point is there are itty bitty things blocking us from hearing the one thing that God is telling us to do. We must pay close attention to “the thing” that is being released for us to move forward rightly into our future. We will not be able to move forward in a right way without it.
Many times God speaks and says very practical things such as: “Break away from doing _________ for a while, build a strong relationship with such and such, show up every Tuesday for the prayer meeting, or go ask your neighbor if they need any help.” If we are not willing to do these things, we stay where we are physically, spiritually & emotionally. Become a willing vessel and you’ll be filled with more than you can ever imagine.
Isaiah 1:19 If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;
photo by Tim Stone
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